Employee Data Privacy Policy (US and Canada)

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Version: January 3, 2022.

RPM International Inc. (“RPM”) and its affiliated companies (separately and collectively the “Company”) are committed to complying with all applicable Data Protection Laws (as defined below). This Employee Data Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) describes how the Company collects, discloses, or otherwise uses employee Personal Information, sets forth the data privacy responsibilities and obligations of Company employees, and discloses the data privacy rights afforded to individuals under certain Data Protection Laws. This Policy applies to current and former (full-time or part-time) employees, workers, contractors, and agents of any Company (individually referred to as “you”).

Data Privacy Principles

The Company seeks to observe the following ten (10) principles related to data privacy in the employment context:

  1. Fairness and Transparency: The Company will provide you notice and information
    concerning how it processes Personal Information.
  2. Lawful Processing: The Company will process Personal Information in accordance with the bases set forth in any applicable Data Protection Law.
  3. Purpose Limitation: The Company will collect Personal Information about you for business purposes and in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Policy.
  4. Data Minimization: The Company will seek to process Personal Information about you to the minimal extent necessary to satisfy the purpose for which it was collected.
  5. Accuracy: The Company will strive to ensure that Personal Information about you is accurate, complete, and up-to-date.
  6. Retention: The Company will aim to retain Personal Information about you for as long as it is needed to satisfy legal or regulatory obligations, or the Company’s business interests.
  7. Security: The Company will endeavor to implement and maintain reasonable security measures to protect Personal Information from unauthorized use, access, or acquisition.
  8. Individual Rights: The Company will allow you to exercise the data rights afforded to you under any applicable Data Protection Law.
  9. Data Transfers: The Company will undertake to implement and maintain safeguards necessary to transfer Personal Information across international borders.
  10. Accountability: The Company will seek to ensure that its processing of Personal Information about you complies with applicable Data Protection Laws and this Employee Data Privacy Policy.

The Personal Information the Company Collects

The Company collects Personal Information about you to satisfy its business purposes and interests, or as may otherwise be required or permitted by law. Generally, the Company collects the following types and categories of Personal Information in the employment context:

  • Employee Information: such as personal and business contact information (e.g., name, residential address, work address or location, phone number, and email address); government identifiers (e.g., social security/insurance numbers, driver’s license numbers, and passport numbers); financial information (e.g., bank account and salary details); recruitment, pre-employment and employment data (e.g., employment history, educational history, career profiles, attendance records, performance appraisals, and corrective actions); benefits-related information; information concerning retirement, resignation, and other types of termination; working status and employment hours; data in any written agreements between the employee and the Company; information relating to work-related claims, internal investigations and disciplinary proceedings; information held for employment law and health and safety purposes; communications data and other data stored on, or transmitted through, the Company’s information resources; photographs and visual images (including video surveillance footage); business travel and expense reporting information; and other similar information.
  • Location Information: such as when recorded by electronic card access systems and the location related to the use of Company’s information resources.
  • Technical and Asset Usage Information: such as information about your use of our computers, devices, networks, systems, software, telephones, and other information and communications technology that is owned, licensed, or maintained by the Company. For more information about your use of Company assets please see our Acceptable Use Policy, which is accessible at https://policies.rpminc.com/legal-compliance-policies/acceptable-use-policy/.
  • Third-Party Information: the Company may collect and process Personal Information concerning third parties related to, or otherwise affiliated with, you (e.g., emergency contact information, beneficiary information, and employment references). This information may include special or sensitive categories of data.
  • Special or Sensitive Categories of Data: As described above, the Company may collect and process special or sensitive categories of Personal Information that may reveal or identify an individual’s race or ethnic origin, criminal history, religious or philosophical beliefs, sexual orientation, health or medical conditions, or other sensitive data. The Company collects and uses this information in order to comply with the law or its regulatory requirements, assess health and safety conditions, and to further the Company’s legitimate business interest, including diversity and inclusion (where permitted and in accordance with applicable law).
  • Biometric Data: The Company may collect biometric data for employment, health and safety, security, and administrative purposes. For more information with respect to the Company’s collection, use, and processing of biometric data, please see our Employee Biometric Data Policy, which can be accessed at https://policies.rpminc.com/legal-compliance-policies/covid-19-policies/employee-biometric-data-protection-policy/.

The Purpose of the Company’s Data Processing

The Company collects and uses Personal Information about, or related to, you and relevant third parties for a broad range of routine legal, business and human resource (“HR”) management purposes, including the following:

  • Workforce Planning and Recruitment, business forecasting, employee assignment planning, budgeting, job advertising, interviewing, and selecting and hiring staff;
  • General Human Resources Management and Administration, employee career development, performance management, compensation and benefits management and benchmarking, administering payroll and benefit arrangements (including long-term incentive awards and bonus administration), obtaining management and employee satisfaction feedback, managing absences (e.g. sickness, parental leave and other family-related and flexible working policies), health and safety, travel and expense management, general headcount reporting, disaster recovery, emergency response planning and Code of Conduct compliance;
  • Performance of the Company’s Business Operations, executing the Company’s day-to-day business activities, allowing employees to work together and collaborate, providing services to customers, and ensuring business continuity;
  • Security Management and Internal Investigations, ensuring the security of the Company’s premises, assets, information, and employees. Individuals who use the Company’s information technology (“IT”) systems, network, assets, or environment should not expect any privacy related to any information transmitted or stored on the same;
  • Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations, displaying employees’ business contact details (e.g., names or photographs) on the Company’s website, or on other social media websites and in other means of communication, such as press releases, newsletters or marketing materials;
  • Complying with Health and Safety Obligations, including taking the following actions: helping to maintain the health and safety of the Company’s employees and others in the workforce; implementing and maintaining emergency and/or exposure management programs concerning hazardous substances; assessing the working capacity of an individual; reintegrating individuals into the workforce (including checking and monitoring fit-for-work status); providing support and care for individuals entitled to benefits in connection with illness or (partial or full) work incapacity; detecting and responding to an incident; managing the employee health file; providing employees with social benefits that depend on the state of an individual’s health (e.g., parental leave, sick leave); maintaining proper documentation of accidents and first-aid health care in case of incidents; and responding to pandemics, epidemics, and other health emergencies (including temperature and health screening);
  • Carrying out diversity and equal opportunity monitoring and reporting, thereby enabling the Company to support employees in expressing their individual diversity, ensuring that our workforce is positioned to meet the diverse needs of our consumers, ensuring that talent systems and practices support the full development and advancement of all employees, and generating aggregated level reports and analytics for the Company so that we have a better understanding of our diversity in support of inclusive cultures; and, Legal and Regulatory Compliance, ensuring compliance with health and safety requirements and other legal or fiscal obligations, in connection with litigation or an internal investigation or audit and to ensure compliance with the Company’s policies regarding anti-money laundering, bribery, fraud and corruption.

Generally, the Company processes Personal Information about you because such processing is necessary for the Company (i) to establish, manage and terminate the employment relationship , (ii) to satisfy its obligations in connection with an employment contract (e.g., salary disbursement and benefits administration), (iiI) to satisfy its legitimate interests (e.g. to protect the security of the Company’s employees, systems, and premises), or (iv) to comply with the Company’s legal or regulatory requirements. In some circumstances, the Company’s data processing is based on the consent of its employees or others. The Company may have multiple reasons to process Personal Information about you and the identification of one such reason does not preclude the applicability of any other.

The Company’s Disclosure of Personal Information

The Company shares Personal Information, among the Company and with external third parties, to satisfy the purposes described above. When appropriate to support the Company’s management, administration or business interests, or to comply with legal or regulatory obligations, the Company may disclose, transfer, or otherwise share Personal Information with authorized third parties, including (but not limited to) regulatory or law enforcement authorities; government entities; credit professionals; distributors, suppliers, and similar business contacts; outside legal counsel, auditors, and other professional advisors. The Company may also disclose Personal Information to third-party service providers, such as the payroll company used to facilitate payment obligations, the administrator of the Company’s group pension plan, brokers who are used to obtain insurance and benefits, private medical and dental-care providers, support services, IT support teams, and other types of service providers. However, the Company seeks to restrict access to special or sensitive categories of Personal Information to the extent required by applicable Data Protection Law.

The Company may also share Personal Information with potential acquirers or investors of the Company. The Company may share Personal Information in the event of a merger, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution, or other sale or transfer of some or all of the Company’s practice or assets, whether as a going concern or as part of bankruptcy, liquidation, or similar proceeding, in which Personal Information held by the Company, in any form or format, is among the assets transferred.

The Company’s Location and Data Transfers; Additional Privacy Rights

The Company is headquartered in the United States and has offices and locations in many countries and jurisdictions. The Company may, in its sole discretion, transfer, process, and retain Personal Information outside the jurisdiction in which it is collected or where you reside, and in such circumstances, the relevant Personal Information may be available to government authorities under lawful orders and laws applicable in such foreign jurisdictions. Depending on the jurisdiction in which you reside or where the Company conducts its business activities, additional privacy rights and cross-border notice requirements may find application, and Schedule 1 sets forth those additional privacy rights and requirements.

The Company’s Data Retention

The Company retains employee records in accordance with industry standards and its internal policies, and as long as needed to satisfy its responsibilities to its employees or its own legal or regulatory obligations, or to protect its legal interests and business needs. The Company will destroy all Personal Information and any devices and assets that retain or transmit Personal Information in accordance with industry standards and its internal policies, and the Company may contract with a third-party vendor to perform these data disposal and asset destruction functions on the Company’s behalf. For more information, see the Company’s Records and Information Management Policy, which is accessible at http://rpmpolicies.rpminc.com/rpm-policies/ and the Email Management Policy, which is accessible at  https://policies.rpminc.com/legal-compliance-policies/email-management/.

Your Obligation to Safeguard Personal Information

In the event you have access to Personal Information by way of your employment or otherwise in connection with the Company you shall collect and use such data in accordance with all applicable Data Protection Laws and Company policies.

If you have access to a person’s social security number, driver’s license number, or other government identifiers, financial information, or other Personal Information you shall (i) protect its confidentiality, integrity, and availability, (ii) protect it from any unlawful or unauthorized access, use, or disclosure, including compliance with the Password Policy, which can be accessed at https://policies.rpminc.com/data-privacy-policies/password-policy/, and (iii) limit its access and use to the minimum extent necessary and required to perform an authorized business or legal function.

All new or revised data processing activities involving Personal Information must comply with the DPIA Policy, which can be found at https://policies.rpminc.com/data-privacy-policies/dpia/dpia-policy/

Any employee who becomes aware of, or reasonably suspects, a breach of the foregoing, must immediately notify his/her supervisor and submit a reportable event at https://rpminc.ethicspointvp.com/custom/rpminc/forms/mgr/form_data.asp?land=en in accordance with our Reportable Events Policy, which is accessible at https://policies.rpminc.com/reportable-events-and-hotline-policies/reportable-events/reportable-events-policy/.  

Employee Rights and Responsibilities

Depending on the jurisdiction in which you reside, or where the Company conducts its data processing activities, you may be afforded additional rights or privileges under applicable Data Protection Laws. Schedule 1 sets forth those additional data protection rights or privileges.

To the extent you provide the Company with Personal Information, including Personal Information of a third party, you must (i) ensure, on a continuing basis, the accuracy, reliability, and relevancy of such Personal Information, (ii) collect and provide to the Company such Personal Information in accordance and compliance with all applicable Data Protection Laws, including when applicable, in accordance with all data processing notice and consent requirements, and (iii) inform all third parties whose Personal Information you (or the third party) provide to the Company to facilitate or engage in a personal, non-business-related function, that the Company will collect and retain such Personal Information in accordance with the Company’s external Privacy Policy, which may be amended from time to time and can be accessed at https://www.rpminc.com/privacy-policy.

Without limiting the foregoing, you must, promptly and without delay, notify the Company (preferably in writing to dataprotection@rpminc.com or your applicable Human Resources or Group Legal Departments) of any amendments that need to be made to your Personal Information, or to Personal Information you provided the Company concerning a third party, to ensure its accuracy, reliability, and relevancy. If you choose not to provide the Company with the Personal Information identified herein, then the Company may not be able to satisfy its own contractual or legal obligations, and in such circumstances, continued employment with the Company may not be permissible, and you acknowledge and agree that the Company shall not be held liable for any consequence directly resulting from these circumstances.

If you fail to comply with this Employee Data Privacy Policy, disciplinary action, up to and including termination, may result.

Contact Information

Any questions, concerns, or comments related to how the Company processes Personal Information, or the rights and privileges described herein, should be directed to your HR representative, your Group Legal Department or to dataprotection@rpminc.com. For general information about the Company’s consumer privacy practices, please visit https://www.rpminc.com/privacy-policy.


For purposes of this Policy, the following definitions shall apply:

Data Protection Law” refers to any U.S. and Canadian data protection laws, statutes, and regulations applicable to the Company in the context of the Company’s collection, processing, retention, dissemination, disclosure, transfer, disposal, or use of Personal Information.

Personal Information” refers to any information, or a combination of pieces of information, about an individual or that can reasonably identify an individual, and that is subject to, or otherwise afforded protection under, an applicable Data Protection Law.


This Policy does not form, in full or in part, any contract of employment or other agreement to provide services, and nothing herein shall be construed to (in any way) terminate, supersede, undermine, or otherwise modify the status of the employment or professional relationship between you and the Company, pursuant to which the Company may terminate the employment or professional relationship at any time, with or without cause, and with or without notice. The Company may amend or update this Policy from time to time and the Company will, when necessary and appropriate, notify you of such amendments and updates.




If your Personal Information is subject to, or afforded protection under, any of the following Data Protection Laws, then you are entitled to receive notice of the following:


Based on certain data protection laws in Canada, employees in some Canadian jurisdictions may have a right to request access and request that the Company update or correct the Personal Information in its custody or control, subject to limited exceptions prescribed by law. Such requests should be directed to your supervisor, an HR representative, your group Legal Department or to dataprotection@rpminc.com.  For more information on Canada’s provincial and territorial privacy laws and who is responsible for their enforcement, please see the following: https://www.priv.gc.ca/en/about-the-opc/what-we-do/provincial-and-territorial-collaboration/provincial-and-territorial-privacy-laws-and-oversight/. If you would like (i) information about the Company’s data practices with respect to service providers outside Canada, or how such service providers collect, use, disclose or store Personal Information, or (ii) to file a complaint, or raise concerns about, our data processing activities, please contact the Company at dataprotection@rpminc.com.

United States in General

Without limiting any provisions in the Employee Data Privacy Policy, including this Schedule 1, this Employee Data Privacy Policy, either alone or in conjunction with other Company policies and procedures, satisfies the Company’s legal obligation to draft and/or provide notice with regard to how the Company collects, uses, safeguards, disposes, or otherwise processes social security numbers or similar data afforded protection under U.S. state law, including Conn. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 42-471; 201 Mass. Code Regs. §§ 17.01 – 17.04; Mich. CL § 445.84; New Mex. SA 1978, §§ 57-12b-1 – 57¬12b-4; N.Y. Gen. Bus. Law § 399-ddd; and, Tex. Bus. & Com. Code Ann. § 501.0.52.


The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018, as amended, (“CCPA”) requires certain businesses that collect Personal Information on California “consumers” (as defined in the CCPA) at or before the point of collection, to inform consumers as to the categories of Personal Information to be collected and the purposes for which the categories of Personal Information shall be used. The types of Personal Information that the Company collects from its employees and the purposes for which such Personal Information is used are set forth in this Employee Data Privacy Policy.


For purposes of CT ST § 31-48d, the Company engages in “electronic monitoring” and this Employee Data Privacy Policy, and other applicable Company policies, serves as notice of the same. The term “electronic monitoring” means the “collection of information on an employer’s premises concerning employees’ activities or communications by any means other than direct observation, including the use of a computer, telephone, wire, radio, camera, electromagnetic, photoelectronic or photo-optical systems, but not including the collection of information for security purposes in common areas of the employer's premises which are held out for use by the public, or which is prohibited under state or federal law.”


For purposes of DE ST TI 19 § 705, the Company monitors or otherwise intercepts the telephone conversations or transmissions, electronic mail or transmissions, or internet access or usage of its employees and of any party accessing the Company’s information technology assets, networks, systems, environment, and resources, and the use of the same constitutes consent to the foregoing.

New York

For purposes of NY CIV RTS § 52–c, Company employees are hereby notified that any and all telephone conversations or transmissions, electronic mail or transmissions, or internet access or usage by an employee, by any electronic device or system, including but not limited to the use of a computer, telephone, wire, radio or electromagnetic, photoelectronic or photo-optical systems, that are owned, leased, or operated by the Company may be subject to interception and monitoring at any and all times and by any lawful means.  


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Article Fortune 500 RPM
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