Corporate Credit Card Policy

Download the English version as a pdf here


Version: September 25, 2019

As part of our continued efforts to maximize savings and track spending, beginning immediately, anyone who has been issued a Corporate American Express card must use that card wherever it is accepted.   Use should be in lieu of cash or any other card whenever possible.   Steering usage of the Corporate Amex will enable us to increase the Base Incentive Amount paid back from Amex as well as provide us with more complete spending reporting.

Please communicate this information to your employees and adopt and enforce a policy that unless an exception explanation is provided, expenses will not be reimbursed if not charged to the employee’s Corporate Amex. 

Additionally, please identify the person(s) in your Group who will be responsible for requesting new Amex cards and otherwise manage any Amex issues for your Group (or various companies, if you like).  Please provide these names to Steve Boike.    (We have a list of individuals, but some have not been with the companies for quite a while, so it is time to refresh the list.)  

RPM would also like to get Amex cards issued to individuals who currently have T&E expense but do not have a Corporate Amex.   The Groups can manage who they believe should have a card – please determine a level of T&E spending that makes sense with your Group (we were considering anyone who regularly has $1,000 or more per year of T&E expense would be a candidate).

If there are any questions, please contact Steve Boike or Janeen Kastner at RPM HQ.

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