Raising Concerns TBT - English
Raising Concerns TBT - English

Click here for the Raising Concerns TBT Script in English

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RPM Tool-Box Talk - Raising Concerns

  • Speaking up about workplace concerns helps build a positive work environment and is part of the Company’s culture.


  • Consistent with that, we welcome your good-faith reports about any conduct you believe may violate the Values and Expectations of 168, especially conduct that may be illegal, fraudulent, unethical, or retaliatory.


  • We encourage honest, good-faith communications about concerns, whether they involve an employee, member of management, contractor, supplier, consultant, client, or anyone else involved with our business.


  • Coming forward may feel like a difficult decision, but know that you can and should speak up when you see or experience conduct that may violate the Values and Expectations of 168.


  • For that reason, the Company does not tolerate retaliation of any kind when an associate brings forward a good-faith question or concern or because they participate or cooperate with an investigation into a concern that was raised.


  • Retaliation includes any conduct that discourages you from raising, reporting, or communicating about your good-faith concerns.


  • It can include conduct or written communication and it can take on many forms, including actual or implied threats, verbal or nonverbal behaviors, coercion, bullying, or intimidation.


  • Examples of prohibited retaliation include:


  • Reducing your pay because you provided a witness statement to Human Resources as part of a workplace sexual harassment investigation;


  • Excluding you from an important meeting because you raised a concern that your manager was bribing a vendor; or


  • Threatening you because you cooperated in a government investigation of the business.


  • If you are ever aware of or experience retaliation or a threat of retaliation, please report it.


  • You can submit your good-faith questions or concerns about retaliation or any conduct you think may violate the Values and Expectations of 168, the Company’s policies, or the law to a supervisor or manager, any Company leader, a Human Resources representative, any member of the Legal and Compliance team, or you can call RPM’s hotline, which is available on RPM’s website and is listed on the Speak Up posters in the plant.

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