Stop for Safety TBT - English
Stop for Safety TBT - English

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Stop for Safety Toolbox Talk

The health and safety of our associates is paramount, and we all have a responsibility to provide a safe workplace.  As such we all have the right and a duty to stop unsafe acts if we see them, we should not allow our colleagues or visitors to work in unsafe conditions or scenarios.

Make sure that you immediately report any hazardous conditions to your supervisor or manager, don’t ignore an unsafe situation, make sure you take an active role in ensuring the safety of yourself and others. In case of an emergency pull the fire alarm and evacuate the facility, please note in the case of an active shooter do not pull the fire alarm.

Let’s run through a few scenarios, let me know which of the multiple-choice responses you think is the best solution:

  1. What would you do…  a supervisor tasks a member of maintenance to repair a powered conveyor line and you witness the maintenance technician open a control panel to begin his maintenance activity while the production line and conveyor is still in operation.  
    1. Immediately stop the line with the e-stop.
    2. Inform the maintenance technician that the line is still in-use and that proper lock-out/tag-out needs to occur before maintenance is started to ensure the line is de-energized.
    3. Report the incident to your supervisor.
    4. All of the above.
    5. Ignore the situation since the maintenance technician does not report to you.


  1. What would you do…  You see black smoke and smell something burning in the production area coming from a high speed mixer motor.  The batchmaker just walked away from the area without taking any action.
    1. If safe to approach,  hit the e-stop for that mixer.
    2. Pull the fire alarm and exit the facility.
    3. Notify your supervisor.
    4. All of the above.
    5. Ignore and ask the batchmaker later about the incident.


  1. What would you do…  Your project manager tasks you and your co-worker to conduct site-cleanup work on a mezzanine area in a new construction facility that does not have any lighting and visibility of the walking surface is difficult.
    1. Start the clean-up tasks of the area.
    2. Open a nearby doorway to allow for some light to enter the space.
    3. Ask the supervisor to provide lighting to the area before you start any work.
    4. Get somebody else to do the work.

Remember be part of the solution – point out unsafe practices to others and if you see something, say something – don’t ignore an unsafe scenario.

If you have any concerns about raising a concern or retaliation for raising a concern, contact your manager, HR, your legal and Compliance team or call the hotline.

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